Everything you need to know about the Women's Health Strategy 2022
In July 2022 the government published the first ever Women’s Health Strategy for England. To save you reading all 129 pages I’ve made a little summary for you.
It opens with this statement: “While women in the UK on average live longer than men, women spend a significantly greater proportion of their lives in ill health and disability when compared with men. And while women make up 51% of the population, historically the health and care system has been designed by men, for men.”
The strategy covers 7 priority areas over a 10-year timeframe: Menstrual heath and gynaecological conditions
Fertility, pregnancy, pregnancy lost and post-natal support
Mental health and wellbeing
Health impacts of violence against women and girls
Healthy ageing and long-term conditions
As well as all doctors to be trained with mandatory specific teaching on women's health for all graduates and incoming doctors the strategy includes: Provision for 25 new mobile breast screening units.
Improvements to fertility services, particularly for same-sex couples.
Recognition for parents who have lost a child before 24 weeks.
Updating guidance for female-specific health conditions including endometriosis.
Expansion of Women's Health Hubs and investment into research in women's health issues.
It does seem like a long time coming but it’s certainly a step in the right direction!!
You can read the whole strategy here.