Congratulations, you're about to have a baby!

Do you want to have one less thing to worry about in those first few weeks with your new born?  Be even more ready for when your baby arrives and cross that extra thing off your to do list today!

The essential mum-to-be must have product! 

Here's 7 reasons why you need Save My Knickers in your life:

1. Save My Knickers does exactly what is says it does.
2. We 100% guarantee results and if you don't love it too, you can have your money back.
3. All our customers have given us 5 star reviews.
4. It adds less than 60 seconds to your normal laundry routine.
5. One tube of Save My Knickers can save up to 20 pairs of your best undies*.
6. One tube of Save My Knickers can save you over £167.00 on new undies!**
7. Save My Knickers is plastic free, cruelty free and vegan!

Save My Knickers is a new product so there is a limited number available in this first run, so don't wait, order your tube today!  

Click here to order now!




*usage based on a typical blood stain on one pair of knickers. 

**based on average cost of knickers bought at M&S*** when based on usage as above.

***from our research this was the most popular place our customers bought their underwear from. 


For more information on post-partum bleeding please check out our blog post.

This is not a substitute for medical advice from a trained GP or midwife; if you have any doubts or concerns you should contact your GP or midwife or call NHS 111.